Limit phone, computer and social networks only to work
Go to the movies, parties, stores
What can we do?
Only watch Christian TV / movies
Only listen to Christian music
Only read Christian literature
Read the bible more than usual
Pray more than usual
We pray that through the Holy Spirit we seek God's Will for our lives, marriages, children, family, and we pray for a heart inclined to please God in 2023.
We pray for the power of deliverance through the Holy Spirit in any area where there is stagnation.
We pray for the healing and restoration of our hearts.
We pray for the Holy Spirit for holiness and purity of heart.
We pray for hunger for the Holy Spirit.
We pray for the fullness of His Spirit.
We pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
We pray for the discernment of the Holy Spirit.
We pray for passion for God.
We pray for the Apostles of this house and their family. May they be kept and guided only by the Holy Spirit to do the will of the Father.
We Pray for the Vision and governmental structure God has placed in this House.
We pray for the establishment of God's will in each Ministry.
We pray for His work and the harvest of souls.
We pray for the spiritual government of Christ's church.
We pray for the strengthening and restoration of marriage and family relationships.
We pray for comfort, strength and encouragement for families who have been through mourning, grief, abandonment and loneliness.
We pray for our children— the restoration of their hearts and wisdom to deal with them.
We pray for freedom from the spirit of death because of sin.
We pray for supernatural intervention of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
We pray for the breaking of all darkness in their minds and hearts.
We pray for the breaking of all manipulation in their soul, their minds through witchcraft, sorcery, spiritualism and black magic.
We pray for marriages so that by the Spirit of God the love of the couple is kept in deep bonds of commitment.
We pray for discipline and anointing of the Holy Spirit to break the cycles of captivity in our lives, marriages, children, and family.
We pray that love for God will unite you in power to overcome any obstacle.
We pray for every marriage that by the Spirit of God they are transformed and work in the power of agreement on all family and relationship matters.
We pray for submissive wifes and respectful towards their husbands.
We pray for husbands who love their wives like a fragile vessel with tenderness and respect.
We pray for children to love God and are obedient to their parents.